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‘YELLOW PAINT’ is an exhibition of brightly coloured soft sculptures by Mark du Potiers – a Magandjin (Brisbane) artist with Australian, Hong Konger, and Chinese migrant heritage.

With his lived experience of dancing between multiple cultures, Mark is interested in how images, ideas, and meanings are understood across different cultural contexts. The history books don’t include varied perspectives of migration, race, culture, class, identity, and sexuality – what happens when we give space to some of these stories?

Accessibility information

This exhibition features video and sound content. Due to the varied sensory experience on display, this exhibition may be a difficult environment for visitors with sensory processing sensitivities.

For information about the accessibility of the Counihan Gallery venue, visit our Access and Inclusion page.

Mark du Potiers. Chinese Takeaway: Sau / Shou (detail), 2019, textiles, 250 x 150 cm. Photo: Thomas Oliver / Museum of Brisbane.


Counihan Gallery
Phone: 03 9389 8622

Further information

For exhibition updates you can follow the Counihan Gallery Instagram page. You can also go to the Counihan Gallery Facebook page.

This exhibition is in the Front Gallery.