Event held on December
Spanish Flamenco Tablao
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About the Event
AIRE Flamenco will take you on a journey into the world of Flamenco.
The Aire Flamenco dancers join featured guitarist/vocalist Justin Kutylowski (USA) for an evening of Spanish music and dance. Award-winning percussionist and former Cirque Du Soleil performer Marcus Perrozzi will join on stage for an all-star performance.
These are some of Australia’s finest musicians to accompany the dynamic dancing and passion of the Aire Flamenco dance troupe. Dancers Valeria González and Maree Laffan will perform a selection of work that will transect flamenco styles and regions in Spain.
So, get a group together and join the Spanish Flamenco Tablao!
Entry Cost
All tickets $24 - Seated General Entry: $29.00
Seated Student Entry: $24:00
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Concert or Performance