Event held on December
Social Inclusion Program
Provided by: Samson Recreation Centre
Event runs from
9:30 AM
to 11:30 AM
Weekly on Wednesday
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Visit this location on the My Community Directory website. Note, this opens in a new window.
This programme aims to assist and support individuals with a disability to access mainstream sport or recreation clubs in their local area.
Wednesday — 9.30am to 11.30am - Table Tennis, Badminton and Basketball
Note; you can arrive at your leisure during this two hours on a Wednesday.
Cost $6 per session
For more information and to register your interest please contact either:
Peter Jokic, Volunteer from local Table Tennis Club on 0421 499 027 or 9314 3305
or Samson Recreation Centre on 9432 9992
Extra Information
Source Samson Recreation Centre
Type Community Diary
Format Classes, Lessons, Workshops and Talks