Event held on December 24

Dalyellup Linedance Latin & Ballroom

Provided by: Dance Steps South West

Event runs from 5:45 PM to 6:45 PM
Weekly on Tuesday
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Learn  to dance solo routines to the following rhythms: Samba, Watlz, Foxtrot, Tango, Cha Cha Cha, Rumba, Salsa, Bachata. Each class we can cover up to 6-7 dances. Everyone spaces themselves evenly around the room. We go through the dance steps prior to the music. Each routine can consist up to a 48 count, with various step patterns and sometimes recommence facing a new line of dance.  This class has the option for routines to be danced with a partner at the end of each dance/class.


NEW STUDENTS to enrol via email prior to your  First class special $10 cash on arrival

Not open Public Holidays