Event held on January 12

Cancer Support Group Meeting

Provided by: CANsurvive Cancer Support Group

Event runs from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Monthly on the second Thursday
To Be Held At

The Men's Shed, Roe Terrace, Busselton WA, Australia

Address: Busselton Men's Shed, Roe Terrace, Busselton WA, Australia

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CANsurvive meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month at the Men's Shed, from 1pm - 3pm. We welcome anyone living with cancer, undergoing treatment for cancer, recovering from cancer, or caring for a loved one with cancer. 

Participation only requires you to turn up! There is always a light afternoon tea, lots of discussion, often there's laughter - occasionally a few tears and always, there's support. We often invite Practitioners and those in our community that provide services to those living with cancer to come along and share their knowledge.