Event held on January
Golden Beach Australia Day Surf Fishing Carnival
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About the Event
The Australia Day Weekend Fishing Carnival is held annually over the Australia Day weekend at Golden Beach, on Victoria's famous 90 Mile Beach. It is a fun-filled weekend with activities and fishing fun for all. This competition is suitable for all anglers, experienced and those wanting to cast-off for just a bit of fun! You'll find a range of categories to enter into, where you can win some fantastic prizes.
The weekend is not just all about fishing tho! You'll also be able to enjoy the Annual Cent Night, and Saturday Market at the VMMR, making it great fun for the whole family, all weekend long.
The 2025 Australia Day Surf Fishing Carnival in Golden Beach will be held from midnight January 23rd until 11am January 26th followed by Presentations from 1pm, so make sure to get down to Golden Beach and wet your line!
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Community Event