Event held on January
The F Project Cinema
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About the Event
F Project Cinema is a film society and member of FVFS, screening arthouse, foreign, independent and locally produced films, usually around 24 films a year.
These films generally run on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, and screenings alternate between documentary and feature films.
Screenings are held at Mozart Hall, Warrnambool (south end of Gillies street, across Merri Street) commencing at 7:30pm.
Your F Project Cinema Membership entitles you to a year of both documentary and feature film screenings (up to 24 films) and contributes towards hall hire, dvd purchase and non-theatrical screening rights needed in order to screen films publicly.
Memberships are available online or at the venue before the film.
F Project Cinema members also become reciprocal members of the F Project.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Exhibition and Shows