Event held on August 31

Puff Pastry Cooking Class

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All Day
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About the Event


A hands-on class where you make puff pastry from scratch. Then, from the puff pastry, make your own vanilla slice, Portuguese custard tarts and the classic Vol-au-vents This class suits beginners and advanced cooks who wish to learn new skills and techniques. You will learn that pastry is not as hard as you think. I will teach you techniques that you can use to impress everyone with your new pastry-baking skills. Entry Cost All tickets $150 - An apron to use during class and a take-home recipe booklet are supplied. This pastry cooking class will serve afternoon te. Almond and soy milk are always available, along with caffeine-free hot beverages. Not suitable for people with gluten-free or vegan dietary requirements. What you need to bring - Nothing!