Event held on June
Lemon Meringue Tart - Learn to make your own
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About the Event
Make your own Lemon Meringue tart from scratch. Bake a sweet short-crust tart case from the pastry you have made. Fill with fresh Lemon curd.
Learn the secret of Italian to seal your tart, sealed with the gas torch. Take home a finished Lemon Meringue tart to impress your family and friends.
This tart cooking class is hands-on. Together, you will make all the components of a lemon meringue tart from scratch, then take your tart home to share with your family and friends!
Entry Cost
All tickets $130 - An apron to use during class, a take-home recipe booklet, and your tart and pastry are all yours to take home.
Afternoon tea is served. However, this class is not suitable for gluten-free or vegans.
What you need to bring - Nothing
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Food and Wine