Event held on July
Castlemaine Documentary Festival
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About the Event
The Castlemaine Documentary Festival is a mid-winter cinematic feast set in the heart of regional Victoria on Dja Dja Wurrung country , just 90 minutes from Melbourne by car or train.
Hosted annually at the iconic Theatre Royal, the festival showcases an enthralling lineup of true stories, premiere screenings, music gigs, Q&A panels, and social festivities.
The celebration extends year-round with Club CDoc, a vibrant initiative supporting documentary lovers and makers. Offering filmmaking workshops, pop-up screenings, guest presentations, networking events and social gatherings, Club CDoc fosters connections and enriches Castlemaine's thriving arts community through the power of documentary storytelling.
Entry Cost
Adult $15 - Season pass: $160
Season Pass Conc: $120
SIngle film - $25
Conc - $20
Kids - $15
Saturday only $100
Saturday only Conc $80
Sunday only $80
Sunday only Conc $60
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Festivals and Celebrations