Event held on April
Mt Martha South Beach Market
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About the Event
The Mt Martha South Beach Market location, perched on a hill overlooking Port Philip Bay, has quickly established itself as one of the most spectacular and popular markets on the calendar. This high-end Makers and Food Market has brought a real sense of community to the village and draws large crowds including plenty of day tourists.
Highlights include:
Over 60 stallholders; The market is staged quarterly each year; The 'Unrivalled' view at Market does not disappoint with people describing it as 'favourite market of all time'; Stallholders report record sales and rate it one of the most professionally organised markets they have attended; High End Stalls include fashion, beauty, art, homewares, homemade goods, pet products, food trucks, drinks and more with around 30 percent of stallholders from Mt Martha.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Markets