Event held on February
Put Your Head On My Shoulder
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About the Event
Set in the early hours of the morning in a karaoke bar, ‘Put Your Head on My Shoulder’ explores loneliness and intimacy, inspired by artist Andrew Chan’s experience as a queer migrant living alone and searching for connection. Despite having a close-knit group of friends, loneliness has manifested in various ways for him, from seeking intimacy through casual hookups to binge eating.
Research by Ending Loneliness shows that one in three Australians experience loneliness, a statistic that made Andrew feel less isolated in his own experience. This project invites the public to reflect on loneliness and its impact on themselves and those around them. Through interactive installations, participants can share their own experiences with loneliness via written words. By fostering dialogue, Andrew hopes to encourage openness and promote seeking help.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Exhibition and Shows
![Image for Put Your Head On My Shoulder](https://assets.atdw-online.com.au/images/ab2455e592ef5145ed0876ed067021f4.jpeg?rect=0%2C0%2C1600%2C1200&w=800&h=600&rot=360&q=eyJ0eXBlIjoibGlzdGluZyIsImxpc3RpbmdJZCI6IjY3NWNlY2I3ZWVhMDExNjcyMWVhNDM5ZCIsImRpc3RyaWJ1dG9ySWQiOiI1NmIxZWI5NDQ0ZmVjYTNkZjJlMzIyNGEiLCJhcGlrZXlJZCI6IjU2YjFmNjNmMGNmMjEzYWQyMGRlZGY1ZSJ9)