Event held on November
Mansfield Open Studio Trail
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About the Event
Mansfield Open Studio Trail (MOST) is an annual program of creative studios opening to the public on the Saturday and Sunday of the Melbourne Cup weekend in the Mansfield Shire. These creative spaces form the Mansfield Open Studio Trail (MOST).
Tour the Mansfield Shire and discover the amazing array of artists local to the region. The creatives open their doors and invite you to gain an insight into the inner workings of a studio, see practical demonstrations, view, and purchase artworks directly from the studio door and maker.
Excitingly participating artists have swelled in numbers - this year 34 artists are exhibiting. Some of the artists are participating in (MOST) for the very first time.
Hop on to the website for details of studios participating and an interactive map of studios.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Exhibition and Shows