Event held on December
Rutherglen Seasonal Food Foray
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All Day
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About the Event
A progressive picnic lunch with a difference, the Seasonal Food Foray is the ideal way to explore Rutherglen and discover some of the region's iconic wines and delicious food options.
Visit The Pickled Sisters Cafe, Chambers Rosewood Wines, Pfeiffer Wines, and Andrew Buller Wines, enjoying an entree sized meal with a matching glass of wine at each venue.
The ticket includes all four food and wine combinations and detailed tasting notes. 24 hours notice is required. Please advise of any dietary requirements when booking.
Entry Cost
Adult $100 - Ticket includes four entree sized meals and four matching glasses of wine.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Classes, Lessons, Workshops and Talks