Event held on December
Rutherglen Gourmet Amble
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About the Event
Take a walk, ride, or drive on the ‘East’ side of Rutherglen for a leisurely, progressive, sensory regional feast. Visit two of Rutherglen’s best boutique wineries and enjoy their wines matched perfectly to your food, prepared by Jones Winery Restaurant.
Hire a bike, drive or take a hike. Visit two of Rutherglen’s best boutique wineries – Jones Winery and Vineyard and Anderson’s Winery.
Picnic with a gourmet charcuterie platter at Anderson’s Winery. Grab a picnic table at the region’s most popular fine dining restaurant at Jones Winery Restaurant.
Check out the Rutherglen architectural icon – The Rutherglen Water Tower.
The trip length is a leisurely five kilometres. Available Monday & Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Note Anderson's cellar door is not always open and Sundays so alternative arrangements will be made.
Entry Cost
All tickets $80 - A No Alcohol and Children under 12 options are also catered for
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Food and Wine