Event held on April 05

M'ap Boule

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About the Event


M'ap Boulé – Haitian Creole for “I’m on fire” – is a play with songs that tells the story of a child born of immigrants growing up in a country called Australia. It’s the story of Nancy Denis. Told through re-enactments, original music, and poetry, Nancy recounts her exploration of intersectional identity framed by stories of the first black-led republic of Haiti when black Haitian slaves revolted against British and French colonists. Directed by Anthea Williams and supported by lighting design by Karen Norris and costume/set design by Maitê Inaê, M'ap Boulé finds contrasting moments of struggle and hilarity through the true retelling of Nancy’s adolescence. This dramatic cabaret-style performance is relatable and accessible for audiences of all backgrounds. Nancy’s charming ability to find humour in the darkest of storylines provides continuous opportunities for connection with her viewers, quickly building rapport with light-hearted interaction. But the true centerpiece of this work is the music, developed with the late Carl St. Jacques. These songs not only showcase Nancy’s incredible vocal abilities but also reveal the deep emotion tied to this narrative, many of them songs of empowerment or self-love. Entry Cost All tickets $30