Event held on March
The Long Lunch
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All Day
To Be Held At
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About the Event
Falls Creek is proud to host the Long Lunch again in 2025. Experience a gourmet menu accompanied by matched regional wines and beers while you soak in the stunning surrounds of the Victorian High Country.
A complimentary shuttle bus will take guests from Falls Creek out to the drop-off point, where a short walk will welcome you to the iconic and historical Wallace's Hut. Nestled amongst the snow gums, it will surely be a magical setting for your feast with friends.
Please note, when considering table arrangements, this year there will be a maximum of 10 people per table. Seating plans can be requested through the Humanitix website when purchasing tickets.
Tickets will go on sale mid-January.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Food and Wine