Event held on March
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About the Event
FEASTIVAL Falls Creek is a three-day festival, held in the pristine Alpine environment of Falls Creek, in North-East Victoria. Attendees of the event with be given the opportunity to attend a range of events over the three-days which feature music, art, comedy, wellness, food and beverage.
FEASTIVAL will take place around the Falls Creek Village. The Feast de resistance is a ticketed music festival on the Saturday afternoon, featuring a host of Australian artists: from the internationally renowned to the locally grown.
This will be surrounded by a variety of ticketed events throughout the village, including a comedy night, art-exhibitions and workshops, charity walk, wellness sessions, and a makers market, showcasing the wares and products of the amazing creators of the North-East.
Entry Cost
Child $75
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Festivals and Celebrations