Event held on March
OpenRoads Rally Lima
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About the Event
This is their classic navigation-based off-road motorbike rally with presentations, vendors and more.
Ride in their Navigation Challenge on gazetted forest roads and trails. Some events have additional activities such as flat track and enduro course.
Earn points by finding checkpoints along the trails, you can find them hanging by streamers or weighted in the sand (at our desert events).
The more checkpoints you find, the greater chances you have of winning. Some checkpoints are worth more than others. Each track has the same amount of checkpoints to find on it.
This event is for all off-road riders with a motorcycle license! Adventure, enduro, dirt bike or side cart - just chuck some enduro tyres on and you're ready to go. Open to all skill levels from beginner to pro.
Entry Cost
All tickets $189
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Sporting Events