Event held on January
Island Summer Carnival Cowes
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All Day
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About the Event
The Island Summer Carnival is a Summer Fun Park setup every year on the corner of Thompson and Ventnor road in Cowes, Phillip Island. Phillip Island is one of Victoria’s premier holiday destinations and the Island Summer Carnival is an integral attraction over the summer months.
Open every night until the Australian Day Long Weekend.
Tickets can be used on all carnival rides and games. Can not be used on food, slushies or show-bags. Cash and eftpos accepted.
Entry Cost
All tickets $2 - $2 entry
Under 2’s free to enter.
1 ticket $8
10 tickets $50.
Tickets can be used on all carnival rides and games.
Can not be used on food, slushies or show-bags.
Cash and eftpos accepted.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Festivals and Celebrations