Event held on June
Wandi Cross
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About the Event
Wandi Cross is a mountain running challenge set amidst the picturesque valley of Wandiligong, a few minutes from Bright.
Suitable for anyone from the elite to the first time mountain enthusiast. Four distances are available:
27 kilometres (2425 m +/-)
14 kilometres (1147 m +/-)
5 kilometres (500 m +/-)
Kids Run 2 km (60 m +/-)
Summiting the high points of both Mystic Mountain and Goldmine Ridge, this challenge requires participants to use a combination of endurance, strength and cross-trail abilities to ascend and descend across steep, raw, natural and technical ground.
?All profits are donated to Wandiligong Primary School.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Sporting Events