Event held on March
Art Group Longford
Provided by:
All Day
Refer calendar for future dates
To Be Held At
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Visit this event provider on the My Community Directory website. Note, this opens in a new window.
About the Event
Art Workshop group encourages, develops, and fosters the love of art, providing a meeting place for artists, and those wishing to learn how to draw and paint.
Guidance for beginners. Usually a demonstration or workshop each session. BYO materials and lunch, however tea and coffee are provided.
Workshops are held in the historic Longford Town Hall on the last Saturday of each month from 10.30am - 2pm.
For more information please call the number provided.
Entry Cost
All tickets $5 - $5.00 per person
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Classes, Lessons, Workshops and Talks
![Image for Art Group Longford](https://assets.atdw-online.com.au/images/0bb59c37e39f121dfcb16a9fd3ea82b7.jpeg?rect=50%2C0%2C1653%2C1240&w=800&h=600&rot=360&q=eyJ0eXBlIjoibGlzdGluZyIsImxpc3RpbmdJZCI6IjVhNzE1YjYyMmUwMTA3ZmY1MzZhZTAwNiIsImRpc3RyaWJ1dG9ySWQiOiI1NmIxZWI5NDQ0ZmVjYTNkZjJlMzIyNGEiLCJhcGlrZXlJZCI6IjU2YjFmNjNmMGNmMjEzYWQyMGRlZGY1ZSJ9)