Event held on March
[REMOVED] Legend Expedition Race
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About the Event
This is where Legends are made.
Feats of epic endurance. Pulling together when everything falls apart. Pushing on when everything in you wants to hit the emergency button. Helping your mates and pushing to the edge of what’s possible.
Discover what you’re made of – the stuff of Legends.
Legend Expedition Race is a classic non-stop six day expedition length adventure race involving trekking, mountain biking, kayaking and other adventure disciplines. Teams of four must navigate their way unsupported through an epic 500km plus course that is only revealed to them hours before the race.
Legend Expedition Race - Half Course covers half the distance but teams still have six days to complete the epic course. The legs are challenging, but with six days and a shorter distance, teams have a greater chance to reach the finish line.
Entry Cost
All tickets $4490
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Sporting Events