Event held on May
Geeveston parkrun
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About the Event
A free, weekly, timed 5km walk/jog/run at 9am every Saturday.
Open to all ages and abilities. Organised entirely by volunteers. Friendly and fun. Join us!
The course is at Heritage Park, Geeveston on a mixture of concrete paths and grass. There are three laps, ensuring that you pass lots of friendly faces along the way. When you run along the Kermandie River stretch, keep one eye on the river in case one of the resident platypus is out and about!
If you'd like your time recorded and are not yet a parkrunner, register in advance at www.parkrun.com.au and save your barcode or print it out. Even if you don't register, you're still very welcome to run or walk with us.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Sporting Events