Event held on June 27

Festival of Voices 2025

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All Day
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About the Event


Festival of Voices is Tasmania's ultimate winter singing celebration for all music lovers, with renowned performers, workshops, and participatory events. Since its inception in 2005, Festival of Voices has celebrated the joy and wellbeing benefits of singing. What began as a small group of music lovers gathered around a fire in the depths of Tasmania's winter has grown to a 10-day festival featuring local, Australian, and international talent who compose, teach, perform and host our diverse event series. With choral, cabaret, classical, comedy, and contemporary, there's something for every music lover, whether you want to attend, learn, or participate! Festival of Voices celebrates our arts industry and island home, expanding beyond its Hobart origins to offer events in many communities around the state. Entry Cost All tickets $0 - Many FREE events Workshops $150 - $425 Concession prices are available for selected events Companion cards accepted