Event held on January
Burnie Lilium Show
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About the Event
The 2025 Burnie Lilium Show will be held at the Burnie Arts and Function Centre.
Doors are open from 1 to 4 pm on Saturday 4th January and from 10 am to 4 pm on Sunday 5th January.
This is the earlier of our two annual shows and features Asiatic and Trumpet/Aurelian Lilium Hybrids along with a range of early Species Liliums. Always a blaze of colour and interest!
This is our 35th annual show at this excellent venue and they just get better every year.
Floral Art is a major feature at these shows. We have some very experienced and capable floral artists as well as some very enthusiastic novices. This enables some amazing creativity.
There is always a well-stocked trade table with lilies and other plants, cut-flowers, and selected Lilium seed.
Demonstrations are always available on a range of Lilium-related subjects, from growing from seed to the art of hybridising.
Entry: Adults $5. Accompanied children admitted free of charge.
Our mild climate and fertile soils ensure that Liliums grow about as well here as anywhere on earth!
Entry Cost
Adult $5 - Accompanied children admitted free.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Exhibition and Shows