Event held on January 04

Family Fish Day Streaky Bay

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All Day
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About the Event


This will the be 22nd year of Family Fish Day! A free community event held at the Streaky Bay Jetty. Registrations are from 8.30am. The competition 9.00am to 11.00am. Then the winners are announced on the Jetty Platform. Great cash prizes and trophies for Anglers 3 to 17 years. Scaled fish only. Catch-release policy. Bait available for sale. Sausage Sizzle. Come an join in the fun! Be sun smart and have a great day ! A Streaky Bay Tourism & Business Assoc Inc event, proudly sponsored by Killas, the Streaky Bay Hotel Motel and Shimano. If weather becomes inclement the event maybe cancelled. Follow us on Facebook for updates.