Event held on March 02

Once Upon a Time

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All Day
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About the Event


Join Woodsoak Wines for a fun and frivolous Cabaret event at their cellar door in Robe. Brought to you by the hilarious Connoisseur Cabaret, Maroussia Vladi and Jane Matheson. Maroussia is an award winning artist from Melbourne and Jane is the pianist for the Victorian State Opera. The two hour musical (with an intermission) is called Once Upon a Time and tells the story of the five men in Maroussia's life that have made her the woman she is today. The tale is naturally told in a very witty and comical way with hit songs (of the swing persuasion) strewn at every turn that the audience can surely sing along to. If you're looking for a hilariously vibrant and interactive evening, get your tickets soon! Entry Cost All tickets $85