Event held on May 25

Port Lincoln Long Lunch

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All Day
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About the Event


The Port Lincoln Long lunch is a collaboration of hospitality venues in Port Lincoln to provide the community an avenue where they are able to experience local produce, wine, beer and local musicians in a single day event. The Port Lincoln long Lunch began in 1998, initiated by the Zonta Club of Port Lincoln to celebrate the abundance of local produce as well as the talented chefs and musicians. The original event was held in February, later changing to coincide with the Adelaide Cup long weekend in May. The Long Lunch has continued to evolve with the event currently being run completely by the venues that participate. The event is held across the venues that participate (currently 11 local venues) with all offering a selection small (entrée) size dishes as well as local and South Australian wine and beer. Patrons attending the event just need to choose their starting point from one of the 11 participating venues opting to either walk or catch the Long Lunch City Loop Bus. The Long Lunch City Loop Bus loops to each venue throughout the day with tickets for a day bus pass going towards both the cost of the bus and a charity the Long Lunch is raising funds for. The 2025 Event will be held on the last Sunday in May, details and menus to follow.