Event held on December
Santa's Cave Waikerie
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All Day
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About the Event
Santa's Cave is situated in the Waikerie Institute and decorated by local volunteers with the assistance of the Loxton Waikerie District Council. Visitors can view and interact with the scenes around the cave, visit Santa (except during school times) and browse the gift shop, a lot of which is handmade by the community.
In 2023, they made it more interactive and included school holiday activities - keep an eye on their socials for details.
Open daily from 29 November to Christmas Eve 10 am - 5pm
Entry is a Gold Coin donation per person, with all proceeds going back into the cave for the following year.
Entry Cost
All tickets $1 - Gold Coin Donation entry per person, as a not for profit community event run by volunteers, all monies are used to replace/refurbish or purchase new items the following year.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Community Event