Event held on January
Children’s Workshop: Lego Letterpress
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All Day
To Be Held At
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About the Event
Suitable for children aged 5 years of age and over, join Deb Twining of Twining Arts to become your own lego art master!
Participants will create their own lego print board with a unique design formed from lego pieces, and be shown how to ink it up and print their design onto paper using a studio printing press. Students will have the opportunity to experiment with their designs using multiple print plates and different colours to create their own playful finished artworks.
All tools and materials including paper, ink and lego for printing will be provided during the session. Participants will complete the workshop with their own range of printed artworks, and the knowledge required to continue printing at home with their own lego collection.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Classes, Lessons, Workshops and Talks