Event held on February 01

Bread-Making Masterclass

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About the Event


Unleash your inner baker in this four-hour class dedicated to bread-making. Explore various bread types, learn different techniques and experiment with various ingredients. You'll receive personalised guidance and instruction in a small and intimate group setting. The experience includes a light lunch and a glass or two of wine, and you will take home a selection of freshly baked bread, a sourdough starter, a recipe booklet, and memories of a delightful and educational class. Bake up to eight different types of bread: Braided Bread Sourdough Bread Croissants Rye Bread Pretzels And more! All-Inclusive Experience: Welcome apéro Starters Cheese / cold meat board Dessert Kimbolton wine Coffee / Tee Take home: A recipe booklet and a sourdough starter to continue your bread-making adventure. Hands-on learning with expert guidance Impress your friends and family with your newfound expertise Seats are limited Don’t Miss Out! Entry Cost All tickets $190 - AUD190.00 per person Includes a recipe booklet and a sourdough starter to continue your bread-making adventure.