Emergency Accommodation

The organisations listed below can provide information about emergency accommodation if you are homeless, escaping violence or need a meal, shower and/or clothing.






Other Areas:


Find other safe and free places in your area where you can spend time.


Rental properties

Read information to help you choose an affordable rental property.


Community and public housing

Public housing is affordable rental housing offered to individuals and families on low incomes, especially those having trouble finding a place to rent in the private market.

Community housing is housing delivered by registered providers, for example local governments, churches, community organisations. Community housing eligibility information can also be found here.

For more information on housing, contact your nearest Housing Service Centre.


Brisbane Housing Company

The Brisbane Housing Company is an independent, not-for-profit organisation providing secure and affordable rental housing in Brisbane for people in need.


Proof of identification

Find out where you can get proof of identification (e.g. a driver’s licence, passport or a birth certificate) if you’ve been homeless long-term, or have recently left prison.


Housing support for youth

Check the support available for young people looking for accommodation, moving out of home, or at risk of becoming homeless.


Support and counselling for victims of abuse

Find out how to access support if you are affected by abuse or violence.

Search the directory of domestic and family violence support services.


Natural disasters

Check where you can get help after a natural disaster if your home has been damaged or you need support.


More information

More information on emergency accommodation is available from:


This information has been adapted from Queensland Government under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).