Hearing Health Education Sessions
Provided by: Hearing Australia - Dalby
Community Hearing Health Education Sessions (Hearing Checks also available)
Call Julie on 0447 113 663 to book your hearing health session
I am here to support you, your team and clients with anything hearing related and can provide the following services at no cost to you or your community:
- Information sessions for people who believe they may have a hearing loss or just wish to be informed about available hearing services.
- Hearing clinics with initial screening testing to discover potential hearing loss.
- Hearing clinics to clean existing devices and chat with people regarding their current hearing experience.
- Staff training presentations on the basics of hearing aid cleaning, maintenance, and basic troubleshooting.
- Mobile screening service van available to attend your site depending on availability.
- Liaise with aged care facilities and retirement villages for new residents hearing care.
- Information stands for expos, meetings, health hubs etc..
- Hearing aid cleaning and maintenance kits available for eligible service providers/facilities.
Hearing Australia is a statutory body of the Australian Federal Government and we specialise in assisting senior Australians, DVA recipients, people with complex communication needs, children, and Indigenous Australians. As a government entity, we also receive funding for services that may attract a fee at other hearing services.
Extra Information
Source Hearing Australia - Dalby
Type Community Diary
Format Classes, Lessons, Workshops and Talks