Event held on June
Townsville Folk Festival
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About the Event
Townsville Folk Festival is an annual event held on the first weekend in June. The 4 day event is a family friendly, camping, fun filled event which celebrates a broad music program from local, intra state and interstate artists. It is a safe friendly environment in a bush setting when North Queensland's weather is at it's best. The festival has been operating for 34 years and was until recently known as the Palm Creek Festival. It has a loyal following amongst locals, it is inclusive and welcoming to all ages. For people travelling into the region it is easy to locate. There is something for everyone and everyone is welcome!
Entry Cost
All tickets $80 - These prices are 1 day adult and 1 adult full weekend camping. Children are free. Youth are half price
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Festivals and Celebrations