Event held on May
Pioneer Weekend
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About the Event
Australia’s pioneering past will be brought to life with a swag of entertainment at this year’s Pioneer Weekend at the Historic Village Herberton. All the stops have been pulled out for the annual event, which sees the Village open in a field day format over the two days.
Live bands will provide entertainment throughout the weekend with their unique mix of high energy folk music. The Pioneer Weekend will feature a blacksmith, farrier, woodturners, and carvers. Some of the Village’s most iconic engines will also start up, including a 1923 Harley Davidson the Ruston Hornsby, steam engines, stampers and tractors.
Entry Cost
Adult $32
Concession $29
Child $16
Family $82 - Two adults and two children. Child (four to 14). Under four is free.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Festivals and Celebrations