Event held on December 25

Community Health Nurses

Provided by: Gayndah Hospital

All Day
Weekly on Wednesday
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Please note schedule is subject to change, appointments are made following referral and urgency criteria, wait list may apply.


WBHHS Community Health Nurses connects older persons, their families and carers with in-home support services and support during the transition to higher-level care.  Community Health Nurse services provide advice, information and links to community services and also support heart and lung services in North Burnett Communities. The community health nurse supports clients, their families and carers with increasing health literacy to empower clients to proactively plan and manage their chronic disease condition. Chronic disease may include diabetes, chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular (heart) or respiratory (lung) conditions. This can include patients suffering from coronary artery disease or congestive heart failure, or those recovering from angioplasty or bypass surgery or requiring oxygen to support continued living at home. The community health nurse also supports advance care/end of life care planning.