Event held on December 24

Cafe Korero Maori

Provided by: Queensland Maori Society Inc.

Event runs from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Every 14 days
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About the Event
Additional Information

Please note, these are NOT classes...


Fortnightly on Sundays

Cost: koha, $5max...



A safe, light-hearted space to practise what you are learning / what you have learned in your Maori language lessons, (whoever that may be with).

This is done via "speed chats" over a cuppa, with 1 general topic assigned to each f/n session.

Speaking & hearing a similar korero repeatedly to/from different people helps to get your flow on, add to your reo kete, and bolster your courage to korero maori


Register to secure a spot for yourself... invite your whanau and friends to register and come along as well!

Nau mai haere mai...