Event held on September
Lap The Valley Backyard Ultra
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About the Event
Lap The Valley Backyard Ultra is the Steven Bradbury event of ultra running.
You don’t have to be the fastest; just be the last one standing. Complete a 6.71km lap within the hour, every hour.
Only the runner to complete the last lap within the hour by themselves “finishes” the race. All others are officially DNF – but it’s a DNF with pride and smiles all round.
Don’t be put off thinking you need to be an ultra runner to compete. The Backyard Ultra is about pushing yourself to go further than you have before, be that 2 laps, 8 laps or more!
They are sure you will enjoy this very social race format in a very social environment.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Sporting Events