Event held on August 15

Run Larapinta 2025

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About the Event


Welcome to Run Larapinta – an extraordinary trail running experience through the very heart of Australia. This is a race through a landscape that transcends time, where the tectonic lines of the MacDonnell Ranges stand solid and strong as the Larapinta Trail weaves its route like a magic serpent in the dust. It’s a landscape of boundless beauty that leaves you in awe at every step. But more impressive than the country we get to experience, it’s the people that make this race really special. Coming from all corners of the nation, of all speeds and specialties – everyone becomes equal out here as you share an experience you’ll never forget. Ever! Where: Larapinta Trail in the MacDonnell Ranges; Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia. Entries: Entries for the 2025 Run Larapinta will open in October 2024. There is a capacity of 200 participants for the event.