Event held on September
Gluten Free BBQ and Charcoal - Cooking Class
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All Day
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About the Event
This class provides a unique insight into different cuts of meats, charcoal and gas barbequing. Learn how to master your equipment at home to produce mouth-watering, fall-off-the-bone meat every time. This premium experience includes components of butchery and education including discussions on meat fibres and grain to bring your barbequeknowledge to an all-new level.
Taste the difference whilst you master your barbequing game. Join the Chef and be guided through different sauces, rubs and spices before making your own marinades and mops and finishing off with some classic recipes to master in your own home.
Class includes tuition, recipes and meals with regional wine, beer or soft drinks.
Entry Cost
All tickets $195
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Classes, Lessons, Workshops and Talks