Event held on April 19

Adaminaby Easter Fair

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All Day
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About the Event


Head along to the Adaminaby Easter Fair for a great day out in the Snowy Mountains featuring numerous fun activities throughout the day such as a (plastic!) trout tossing competition, a dog high jump, children's activities, a wood auction, an Easter Bunny visit and boutique market stalls, along with food and coffee vendors. Food and market stalls plus entertainment for the whole family to enjoy. The highlight event of the day is the ‘Wacky Quacky Duck Race’ at approximately 2.30 pm, when more than 1,300 plastic ducks (purchased by members of the public for AUD2 each) are raced through the town’s stormwater channel, with AUD1,000 in prize money up for grabs. Check online for more details via the Facebook page.