Event held on May
Callala Beach Makers Market
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About the Event
This is it! The Nowra Makers Market Committee presents, after many years, an all makers market, including supplies to be your own maker!
Following the Shoalhaven City Councils moniker of "Make It, Bake It, Sew It, Grow It" they offer only local items made, produced and grown in the Shoalhaven! Highlighting amateurs and pros alike, it’s always a fantastic market community at one of the markets.
And the location! The stunning Callala Beach Hall right on Callala Beach, Jervis Bay with fantastic indoor space, outdoor kids recreation, adjacent to other local small business.
Yo Mama Kitchen will be cooking up your breakfast needs with Bacon & Eggs Rolls, BLATS, Devonshire Tea and more!
So please come along and help celebrate the very first Callala Beach Makers Market and support your community!
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Markets