Event held on January
Bundanon Inspire Youth Art Program
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About the Event
Bundanon Inspire is a free art-marking program for young people aged 12–18 years old that includes artmaking, ecology walks and visits to the Art Museum.
The program spans two days with attendance on both days required. Registration includes a shuttle bus to and from Nowra, lunch, and morning and afternoon tea each day.
On day one explore the Art Museum and enjoy a guided ecology walk through the Bundanon bushland. In an artmaking workshop, explore the huge scale of myths, transforming feelings and ideas through abstract artmaking methods.
For day two enjoy two more artmaking workshops, responding to the current exhibition.
Entry Cost
All tickets $0 - Free event. Registration essential.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Classes, Lessons, Workshops and Talks