Event held on January 19

[REMOVED] Spot the Difference

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What’s the difference between fact and fiction? Can you spot the difference? Ask anyone in Penrith, and they will have heard of the myth of the panther. In fact, most have seen it, or know someone who has. With origins that span from circus escapees, World War II mascots, and the trade of exotic animals from the 19th Century, it’s a tale that has people sitting in one of two camps – fact or fiction. Spot the Difference brings together artists from Penrith and across Australia to celebrate and interrogate the story of ‘The Big Black Cat’ as a foundational mythology for our region. Working across drawing, painting, sculpture, fashion and installation, these artists highlight the varying origins of the mythology, and the ways in which the story is being told and retold today. Artists: Abdul-Rahman Abdullah, Billy Bain, Daniel Boyd, Shannon Boyd, Blak Douglas, Troy Emery, Lyndal Irons, Claudia Nicholson, Jason Phu & Maja Baska, Anna Louise Richardson, Kate Rohde, Osselan Tupai Scanlan, Regina Walter, Chris Whiticker & Linda Brescia.