Event held on March
Manly Writers' Festival
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About the Event
Beyond the world-famous Manly Beach and eponymous ferry, Manly has a literary life.
Just like the entire city, Manly and the Northern Beaches is an area rich in cultural and linguistic diversity, creativity, and beautiful light.
Only the second edition of this beachside festival, the Manly Writers' Festival, is for readers, writers, and thinkers. It aims to bring together ideas and writing, explore issues at a time of significant change in the world, and simply enjoy great stories.
The Manly Writers' Festival will feed your heart and mind and leave you energised, informed, and inspired.
Entry Cost
All tickets $10 - Final ticket prices will be announced in 2025. These prices are indicative only.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Festivals and Celebrations