Event held on December 22

Jane's Intergency Meeting

Provided by: MidCoast Council

All Day
Find out more about this location...
Visit this location on the My Community Directory website. Note, this opens in a new window.


Register your community group, club or association

Local not-for-profit organisations, community and sporting groups, clubs and associations have been invited to register on the My Community Directory website.

The service is free to use and is designed to assist community groups to:

  • List their services
  • Be found by more people online
  • Advertise for volunteers
  • Promote upcoming events.

Why should you register?

  • Make sure that people can find you online
  • Enable the community to connect to local services
  • Increase access to information about your club or group
  • Increase your searchability and online engagement
  • Control your information and listing.

Once you are connected with your Organisation you will have the ability to edit the listing and keep it up to date in the future. 

Please see our HOW TO guides below.

If you have any questions or need a hand with anything else, please feel free to contact our friendly Support Team on 1300 762 515