Event held on January
Daring Steps: the bold and gentle heart of compassion
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About the Event
A retreat with Ringu Tulku in January 2025.
Have you ever considered the practical implications of caring more about others than about yourself?
A bodhisattva is someone who says, from the depth of their heart, ‘I long to attain a state of everlasting peace and happiness, in which all suffering has ceased, and I want to do so for myself and for all sentient beings.’ The classic Buddhist text, the Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva, offers a practical guide on just how to do this. It shows you how to work with your own hearts and minds, starting with how you are now, to unravel your small-minded preoccupations and discover our own vast potential for compassion, love, and wisdom.
Entry Cost
Adult $795
Concession $595
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Classes, Lessons, Workshops and Talks