Event held on October
Blackville Arts and Market Day
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All Day
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About the Event
Blackville is a small farming community in the heart of the Liverpool Plains. It will take you about 40 minutes from Quirindi or 55 minutes from Willow Tree and take you through scenic rural settings. The event is at the Blackville Public School, where you will find the artwork inside the hall and market stalls outside. Local as well as guest artists are exhibited, and all artwork is for sale.
The market stalls offer homewares, clothing, gifts, artisan-made wares, accessories, jewellery gourmet foods and delicious treats. You will find local produce as well as produce sourced from afar.
These markets have a real country feel and the musical entertainment invites to stay and have a chat to the locals. A beautiful day out for the whole family.
Entry Cost
Adult $5 - Children are free
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Markets