Event held on August
VMX Magazine Classic Dirt 18
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About the Event
The event will be held at the exclusive property ‘Three Pines MX Park’ located at Grevillia, just north of Kyogle. The venue is an ideal entry point for those from NSW and Victoria, the venue is also easily accessible from the major Gold Coast/Brisbane hubs.
The event caters for all dirt bikes up to 1995 with two motocross tracks: pre ‘95 and twin shock, vinduro loop and trials. Plus there’s Trade Stands, Swap meet, onsite catering and bar, Show and Shine and evening entertainment.
Entry Cost
All tickets $20 - For spectators: AUD$20. 00 Cash Pay at the Gate.
For riders registering to ride AUD$225. 00
One Event Ride Licence: AUD$33.00
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Sporting Events